Hi all you Buck Meadows fans. It's January 20, 2025. I hope you all received your VIP tickets to my inaugura...uh you mean I didn't win? Again? 

Buck still wants all his fans on this glorious day to share his best wishes (and the wishes of New Yorker Magazine), in welcoming aboard the new 
President of the United States. May he be like a rocket into the future, which we all know, lies ahead. 
Good luck Mr. President! 

November 5, 2024
Happy Election Day to all America! 
Buck's supporters continue to roll on. 
But, will the election be decided today? 
Who will be our next President? 
Will it be the tan one or the orange one?
and when will we know? 
Will Buck get a job as White House tour guide?
Will Buck run for President a 10th time in '28? 
The stories he could tell. Stick around and we will have all these answers for you.
Now that Buck Meadows is no longer an active candidate for President,
he still encourages everyone to vote this Tuesday.
Buck's current plan is to contribute to the National campaign what
 his pal & campaign volunteer Scott Ostler calls,
"Deep Thoughts, Cheap Shots, and Bon Mots"
We begin today with a sign at a traffic light in Honolulu that says what 
many in the surf community think about 
one of the Presidential candidate's followers
If you think the election will be over on Tuesday, Think Again!

Below, a member of the Buck Meadows Band 
takes a break from the tour bus 
after a SoCal campaign appearance 
to catch a few waves and 
 get the smell of diesel off of his wetsuit
at Hobson Beach in California

Welcome to the webpage for the 
Buck Meadows for President Campaign! 
 With only a couple of months until the 2024 election, 
we will do our best to elect Buck

Remember, Buck is not really asking you to vote for him. He is asking for you to 
Let's also not all lose sight of the fact that 
Buck Meadows doesn't exist!

October 15, 2024, only 21 days to the election!
Buck and his band are combing the US searching for voters. 
Along the way we have surprise guests join the band onstage. 
Taylor Swift joined us in Kansas City last week.  
Before that in Minnesota, Bob Dylan sat in. 
But a couple of days ago, the Band was gopsmacked when 
Mr. Spaceman himself, Elon Musk, 
hopped on stage in Pennsylvania 
to expose his navel for all of Buck's fans to see.
We figured he was lost, so we had him escorted out to his ride. 

Here's a photo of our friends Steve and Claudia, 
reaching the top of Mt Everest with their Buck sign. 
How much higher can Buck go to win this election?

Sunday, October 6, 2024
Only 30 Days to Election Day!

According to Buck's friend and supporter Lily Tomlin, 

"No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up!" 
But you'll find no cynicism here in the Buck Meadows for President campaign, only shelter from the political storms that rage through our great country.

And please keep in mind what Buck's wife Merlene tells us: 
Buck's old campaign slogan says, "The Future Lies Ahead," 

So here are some positive thoughts to help you get through the next 30 days:

-If you return your shopping cart to its proper place, Buck loves you.

-If you use your turn signals, even when nobody is around, Buck loves you.

If you respect the earth and the age you live in,
with cellphones and indoor toilets, Buck loves you,

And finally, if you put the lid down on that toilet, everybody loves you!

Go Buck!

October 1, 2024
Hey, Buckaroos, time for the Vice Presidential debate!
Buck Meadows actually worked for Tim Walz's grandfather's brother.
Erv Walz owned a Richfield gas station in Van Nuys, California,
at the corner of Van Nuys Bl and Burbank Bl. in the '60's.
The gas station was located one block from legendary Bob's Bigboy restaurant, where the whole idea of American Graffiti and cruising emerged.
Here's a photo below of the old Walz Richfield crew,
obviously when Erv wasn't there.

Almost October.
As Buck tours the country, from Vermont to Florida,
people ask,
"Who is your running mate
and why is he/she not invited to the
upcoming Vice Presidential debate this Tuesday?
Buck's VP candidate, as always, is legendary advice columnist Coastal Eddy. We will try to get a photo of him, but,
like Buck, he's not real, so the networks failed to invite him.
Here are some photos of Buck Meadows for President activity
throughout the country.
The first. above, is of the Hurricane in Florida. Our correspondent Uncle Dale sent this photo, showing people's resilience and trust in Buck. Below, is from long time Buck supporter
Cousin Nan from Vermont.
All the East Coast is pulling for Buck!

Sept 23, 2024
Here's a photo below of Buck's Headquarters in Lubbock.
With only 6 weeks before the Presidential election,
the campaign staff has discovered that
the two most commonly used clichés by newscasters are:
"The situation is still unfolding," and,
"If the election were held today."
So here's your Buck's sound bite of the day:
"If the election were held tomorrow,
the situation would still be unfolding!"

Buck's fans are everywhere.
Above, notice the Buck voter holding his sign
at a recent MAGA campaign rally.
Very difficult to convince these Republicans to change,
but Buck is making it happen. Go Buck!

Below, Buck Meadows precinct worker Jeanette took this photo outside Union Station in Salt Lake City. Go Buck!

The stage is set for the debate

This is the town near Yosemite where the legend of Buck was born. 
Hi all you Buck Meadows fans.
Buck is busy campaigning, but his supporters
continue to promote Buck here on the Left Coast.
Below, So Fi Stadium
Buck's campaign message for today:
"We need to get to our destination before we forget where we're going!"

Above, the back yard of Buck's humble home in Lubbock. 
It's quiet now, but wait 'til tonight. 
Viva la Fiesta!

Below, the garage refrigerator of 
Caribou Club Foundation Board member and long time 
Buck Meadows and LA Dodger fan, Dennis Watson. 
According to Buck, 
"It seems that one of the parties running for President has so many flags that you can go broke buying them all, like my neighbor, who has 7". 
Well, Buck Meadows has only one flag he's representing, of the US of A! 
Here's a shot of the Lubbock smokestack, taken by 
veteran Buck Meadows band member and Buck supporter, Jon Cameron. 
The entire US energy and public service community is uniting behind Buck!

Above, Seattle educators Than and John Meyer introduce their son Bert to his first Buck Meadows yard sign. 
They're all pulling for Buck.

Below, Caribou Club Foundation Board of Directors member 
Pat Leahy proudly displays his Buck stickers 
next to his Caribou Club license plate.
Speaking of cars, above here's another, this one belonging to Caribou Club Foundation Board member Paul Atkinson. 
Looks like California surfer legs in that reflection!

Buck Meadows band member Dellon enjoys a cold one in Ventura while displaying a (constantly appearing throughout the US) Buck Sticker 


From this point of the Buck Meadows webpage page on down, 
please enjoy highlights from 
Buck's Campaign for President in 2020, 
beginning with Buck's concession speech.

Welcome to the Buck Meadows webpage on the Caribou Club website.
You can send photos or contact Buck by email at:


Follow Buck on Facebook. Click below

PLEASE Follow Buck on Twitter, Day to Day

"Have you ever been invited to a Presidential Inauguration"?
Above is your official invitation.
Notice the location. You'll be sitting in front of the Trumps and Bidens

We only post things on this website once a month. If you really want to follow Buck on a Day to Day basis, we recommend that you follow him on the Twitter address listed above or on Facebook. Thank you for your support. 

"Wear a dang Mask"

Above, Buck on full display in Sisters, Oregon.

Here are a couple of Buck supporters.
Below is a surfer's Van in Ventura,
and we know he's stoked about Buck Meadows.

Below, Terry from Sisters, Oregon shows off his Buck Sticker.

Below, former Presidential Candidate Dave "Finhead" endorses Buck Meadows for President.

Below, bass player & Buck Meadows Band member Gene the Machine comes out of his dressing room to perform at a recent campaign rally concert.
Looks like Buck is sleepin' in.

Here is another Blast From the Past Below.....

This poster is from the
Buck Meadows Band "Leap of Faith" Tour in 1995
Our fiddle player, the legendary Spade Cooley, always said he felt lucky that he finished this tour with all his teeth.
And Al Cowlings only showed up for one gig at Folsom Prison.
Lotta money went to bail
Below, Stan from Graeagle, shows off
his Buck sticker,
his Caribou Club hat,
His Ace Painters' logo
and his security system.


Presidential guy
World with more humanity
Earth to everyone!

Original and adapted piece by
....Ed Flynn

Below, Here's Buck's Campaign Vehicle, or "Ride."
You can house 20 longboards and 2 volunteer workers in it.

Below, here's the latest in Buck Masks,
along with gear from the Caribou Club,
one of Buck's official sponsors.
OK Everybody, don't forget to check out Buck on Twitter

This concludes the 9/13/20 post. Check out some of Buck's previous posts below.

Here's another Buck Meadows poster, released in the "90s.
Actually, 3 songs on this poster are real. 

Below, here's Keith from Canada who co-created the Buck Meadows legend. Canadians are all in for Buck.
And they're civil and wear masks! 

Finally, to celebrate this 4th of July, shut in as we are, here's a song about contact tracing from Buck's old friend,
Tom Lehrer, recorded way back in 1958
This is dedicated to all of Buck's many friends.
Please click below.

Past Posts... Catch up with Buck Below

Welcome to Buck's Memorial Day posting, May 25, 2020
The next dozen or so photos will give you an idea of who "Buck's Base" is.
We'd like to like to recognize some of our
front line workers during this pandemic.
Here are our judges below, with their logo coffee cups,
(What's really in those cups?) pronouncing high honor on some hard workers. Bravo to these American Idols below!

We will be posting more of these photos in days to come, 
but leading off, here's 
Young, Director of the Vets' Center in San Luis Obispo, 
setting up his Memorial Day drive by giveaway to Veterans today. 
Hopefully he can go home to Morro Bay later and
catch some waves with his sons. 
Happy Memorial Day, Mike. Semper Fi!

Here's one of the bravest souls throughout this pandemic, 
Norma Hernandez. 
Norma is in rehab from a hip injury, (She's still hip!), 
and looking to get back to her safe home in Van Nuys. 
Thank you John Mc Laughlin, 
our ever unsung (He actually can sing) hero and caregiver. 

Below, here's head nurse Patti Atkinson Healy working as a
Recovery Room Supervisor at
Cedars Sinai Hospital Surgical Center in Los Angeles.
Happy Birthday, Patti. Stay well. Go Dodgers!

Below, nurse anesthetist Susan Kapana
prepares to intubate one of many
corona virus patients she will see today and every day
at a Los Angeles Kaiser hospital.
She had to miss her son Chase's wedding in Hawaii earlier this month,
but she's always on the job here.
Mahalo, Susan.

Below, fire department triage nurse Kellie Campbell enjoys the sunset and awaits her next assignment outside of Marysville in Butte County. A former All American soccer goalie for Sonoma State University, ("Go Seawolves") Kelley is prepared for anything. Here's her life: Hours of boredom interrupted by moments of sudden challenges and pandemonium, whether it's flying into a canyon or landing on a hospital roof. 
I also hear she can hit a golf ball farther than her Dad.
Thanks, Kellie. Safe home.

Below, Alessandrea Santos de Araujo,  gives a thumbs up as she takes a break from working as pharmacy technician at the
Veterans' Hospital in Westwood, California. Let's all wish her daughter Rafaela good luck in law school.

If you don't need a doctor, this guy is still high in the order of demand.
Van Nuys' own Ahmad Shepard stands outside his
Spectrum cable truck getting ready to go help
another needy stressed out houshold.
I think we can all agree that nothing leads to divorce faster
than losing cable TV,
so seriously, thanks, Ahmad, for keeping the balance out there.

Here's Dan O'Dell, heading off to work at the
Palo Alto Veterans' Hospital, where he directs computer security.
We don't recommend that he wear that mask when he rides his Indian motorcycle. Dan, your Mother says, "Be careful" (She's sitting next to me).

Below, Manager Cameron Funk checks in from the
Ahern Equipment Rental yard in Salt Lake City.
He'd rather be surfing in Ventura,
but people need him right where he is.
Go Cameron. Go Jazz.

Hi below to Laurie Neal,
Broward County, Florida Transit Manager.
Always campaigning for Buck,
(who has ridden in his share of busses throughout his career),
Laurie just celebrated a monumental birthday
making her an official member of the Caribou Club.
Happy Memorial Day to all transit workers and their families!

Below, Chef Newton Shin stands next to his bread, cakes, and more at his newly opened bakery, K Bakery, in Sunnyvale, CA.
Tough to open a new business right now, but Newton is on schedule.
He learned his trade from his Mom, Lily Leahy.
Newton may have passed her up in bakery skills, but he'll never hit a golf ball as far as she can!
I recommend the cronuts with maple and bacon bits.

Meet Joan Cronin Messinger,
an ICU nurse at St. John’s Riverside Hospital in Yonkers, NY,
and a Nurse supervisor at NY Presbyterian, Hudson Valley, NY,
both in Westchester County NY. She is also a former Navy Corpswoman.
Many of us know Joan through her cousin, Dennis Watson, and her daughter, Sarah, who is a college student in Ventura.
Joan, best wishes and a safe holiday to you and your husband, Mike
We are looking out for Sarah
while imparting 70 year old wisdom on her daily.

Well, that's it for this posting.
Happy Memorial Day, 2020
Raise your Buck Mug ( 2 pics below) to all our idols out there working
so the rest of us can stay home (and gain weight).
Stay well, everybody!

.........The Buck Meadows staff
Last send off... from Pat Meyer
Here's a Viva Buck rock message in Baja.
Tecate sign painted by Jeff Meyer

This Posting: April Fools' Day, 2020.
Here is an update on Buck Meadows Campaign activities.
There are a dozen new postings today for all of Buck's fans.

The opening statement below was sent out in mailers
but has not yet appeared on this page.

Stay healthy, everybody.
                           ....From the Buck Meadows campaign staff

Buck, his band, and the campaign staff are self quarantining in Ventura
at the local Self Storage facility.
We come out each day to look at the sky,
(You can see the ocean from the roof!),
and to discuss the day's campaign strategy.
We were lucky to get rooms next to each other.
And free delivery.

Below, Even the local Caribou are sheltered in place.
Hope they don't put a wolf in there with him.

Here's a scary poster. Maybe this virus can do some good, after all.
Thanks to Charley in Phoenix. Yikes!
Above, a very rare commodity.
Sign up for your official Buck Meadows logo TP roll.
Supplies are limited. Details forthcoming.

Below, Paul A. of the Buck campaign poses in his traveling uniform
moments before he finds out that Spring Training is cancelled.
Guess he'll just have to campaign in California.
Two members of the Buck Meadows Band practice
while demonstrating Social Distancing.
They're seen here practicing "I Got It From Agnes" byTom Lehrer, 1958


I love my friends, and they love me, we're just as close as we can be
And just because we really care, whatever we get . .  We share

I got it from Agnes, she got it from Jim
We all agree it must have been Louise,  who obviously gave it to him
Now she got it from Harry, who got it from Marie
And everybody knows that Marie… Got it from me!


Giles got it from Daphne, she got it from Joan
Who picked it up in County Cork,  A-kissin' the blarney stone

Pierre gave it to Sheila,  Who must have brought it there
He got it from Francois and Jacques, aha! Lucky Pierre!


Max got it from Edith,  Who gets it every spring
She got it from her father, who just gives her everything

She then gave it to Daniel, whose Spaniel has it now
Our dentist even got it,  and we're still... wondering how.


Ah, but I got it from Agnes, Or maybe it was Sue...
Or Millie or Billie or Gillie or Willie, - It doesn't matter who

It might have been at the pub,  Or at the club,  or in the loo
And if you will be my friend, then I might (Mind you, I said might)

Give it to you!

Below, Dennis from Ventura submits this great poster.

Let's hope we live through all these bands!

Above and below: Some newly arrived Buck Logo gear.
Thanks to Pat from Redlands for the golf balls.
During this quarantine, we're sure we won't lose many of them.

And below are Buck guitar picks, a must have for anybody attending a
Buck Meadows Concert.

Below, our ever popular refrigerator magnets.
You can also copy this image and make a yard sign with it.
(See below on How to Make a Buck Yard Sign).
And here's our final post for April 1, 2020.
That's right, it's Buck himself, celebrating his 75th Birthday
while working night and day on the Campaign.

Go Buck!

How to make a

“Buck Meadows for President 20/20 Vision for America”

yard sign.


Copy the Buck logo below, then save it to your phone or paste it to a thumb drive. Go to Office Depot or any copy place with customer service printing.

Ask for an 11 by 17 laminated copy of the Buck image from your phone or thumb drive. Should be about $3.50 each.  Order 3. Long campaign.

You can now nail or tape this waterproof Buck sign to anything, (They also make good dinner place mats), but if you want good lawn signs and frames, Office Depot has yard signs with metal frames you can tape your Buck sign onto for $6 each or $10 for a pack of 3. Get 3. Give one to a friend. It’s a long way until November. You’ll need to spread the word. Go Buck!

Previous Posts
March 1, 2020
Here we are on the eve of the Super Tuesday Primary election, and Buck's team has posted many new items below, so be sure to check them all out.

See an old Buck Concert Poster from the early 90's. More posters to come. 

See more pics of Buck supporters with 
stickers on their cars and signs in their yards and apartment windows. 

See the "How to make a Buck Poster or yard sign" above. You can take them down after Super Tuesday and store them for October. 
Remember, Buck's posters, (and Buck!)
are guaranteed to survive through November and beyond.
You will see from these postings that Buck has the support of old and young, (even kids love Buck), red state voters and blue state voters, women and men, poor and ......well, you get the point.
But today we begin our Super Tuesday splash
with an endorsement below from Buck's arch enemy, Vladimir Putin,
who is finally showing a little respect for the
vision and balance that Buck brings to the international community.


Above and below, Southpaw John from Granada Hills wants us to know that everyone in the San Fernando Valley supports Buck!
How did he manage to get that Buck Magnet stuck to his forehead?

Below: Charley in Phoenix sends along this plug for Buck.
Is that a Telecaster?
Buck lit one of those on fire in Amarillo once.
Almost burned down the roadhouse. Can't go back.
Above, Cousin Tom from Pocatello sends this message of support for Buck.
Buck Meadows will be appearing up there in Twin Falls in August for the "Evel Knievel Reunion," a music festival in the Snake River Canyon held in the spot where the legendary daredevil, (and pal of Buck and his former drummer, Tony Bracken), crashed but survived in the 70's.
Buck has written a new song,
"Ballad of Evel and the Skycycle," that he'll introduce at the Festival

New Mom Amanda and son Sully enjoy a surf contest in Ventura 
while supporting Buck. Husband and
Ventura Surf Club President Andy is in the waves. If Buck wins, we'll have two presidents in the Club.   
Above, a Buck sign competes for eyes on Main St.
If you look behind the signs, you can see a
Muntz Stereo outlet, one of the last.
Buck and "Madman Muntz" were friends back in the 60's because Buck drove  new cars from Detroit to LA for Madman's car lot in LA. Look it up.

Surfer Jon, a member of the Buck Meadows Band, shows off his new front yard, his new house paint, his new fence, his wife's new red ride, and his new Buck Meadows for President sign. All looks good, Jon. See you at rehearsal.
Above, some may want Buck to change direction,
but we'll turn the voters around this November!

Cameron from Colorado shows his support for Buck on his
all American Chevy. Don't know where the parts were made.  
Above: There's dancing in the street at the prospect of Buck for President.
All this guy needs is a skateboard and a chainsaw.

Below: more support from Oklahoma, where Buck rode in his first rodeo, 
(In the Grand Marshall's Car). 
Above, the Meadows quiet little home readies itself for the pandemonium of
Super Tuesday and beyond.
Don't forget to go to "How to Make a Yard Sign," at the top of this page.
Put it on your lawn, in your window or in front of your frat house in October

Below, Buck has not forgotten St. Patrick's day coming up this month. The 20/20 Vision for America campaign be running on all cylinders as we head to Arizona for Spring Training. Buck is hoping to sing the National Anthem at the Royals - Dodgers game, and also to appear as a late inning relief pitcher, but negotiations are still under way, (Still checking on professional status).  
Happy St Pat's Day to all of you.
Above: High in the Rockies in Montana, Buck's 20/20 vision is still spreading.

Below: Here's a Buck Blast from the Past, 
a Buck Poster from a concert in 1994 in Lubbock. 
Tammy Faye Bakker joined the tour 
right after her crooked evangelist husband Jim went to Prison. 
Tammy Faye brought the house down each night with her Gospel rendition of "We need a Whole Lot More of Jesus, and a Lot Less Rock 'N Roll.
Febuary 14, 2020
On this day of love, and every day beyond, Let's all ignore the confrontational political tone that exists in our country and start thinking of each other. We are on a year long trail ride, and  If we continue to possess this bond, we can make anything happen. And of course we'll have many laughs at the end of the trail in November. Then it's on to the inauguration.
Don't forget to email a photo of a vehicle from your state with a Buck sticker on it, (Love snow blowing equipment or police cars), 
and you can win front row tickets to Buck's inauguration,
So save Jan 20, 2021 on your calendar.   
And finally, just in case anyone misinterprets Buck's empathy as a sign of weakness, beware. Buck is one tough hombre. So are his followers.
Happy Valentine's Day from California.
Below, thanks to See's Candy for their generous promotion for Buck 2020
February 2, 2020, Superbowl Sunday
Click on the link below for an important
Superbowl Message by Xi Jinping, Premier of China

Above, Surfer Jon from Ventura sent this photo in to demonstrate the support that Buck generates in the surfing community.
See you in the water, Jon.

Below, Terry from the great Pacific Northwest, shows how even though he lives in a small rural town, (Sisters, OR),
people everywhere are lining up at the pumps for Buck. Check out the price. I'll take a dollar's worth of regular and a Nehi Orange soda.

Below, Cameron the surfer sent this photo showing Buck's support in Utah.
Above, artist John Alan Nyberg of Tucson displays Arizona's loyalty to Buck.

Below, Buck's cousin, (Candidates need relatives, too!) retired professor Nan from Berlington sends this very cold looking license plate and Buck sticker.
Above, Buck loved the location of this sticker, being a horseman himself,
Thanks to longtime Buck fan Norma Hernandez, rehabilitating from a fall,
and her family in the San Fernando Valley

Below, thanks to Steve, one of Buck's valued volunteers from Flathead Lake, Montana, (Buck's favorite fishing place). 

Above, California's entry in the Buck Meadows license plate photo contest.
This plate explains what Buck is all about.
To find out more about the Caribou Club,
click on the Home page above and check it out.

Gia from Orange County submitted this shot of her pal Laika.
Gia isn't old enough to vote, but Laika, being 3 years old, is actually 21 in dog years, so we're looking for Laika's vote in November.
Below, a poster of Buck's most famous movie,
"The Cariboo Trail,"
also starring "Cash" Brewski, DW Grande and Spud Akins,
all members of Buck's band.
Randolph Scott was originally cast in this exciting
20th Century Fox Coastal Eddy Western movie,
but he passed out at the pre production cast party
& failed to show up on day one of shooting,
so the Producers recast the picture, thus making matinee idols out of
Buck and the band.
Jan 1 2020
Above, Here's retired Santa Barbara firefighter
and current Buck Meadows band member Tip Tipton,
riding in the Pasadena Rose Parade in support of Buck

Below, not sure who this is, but Buck wishes this voter a good recovery.
Below are your downloadable Buck Meadows for President stickers.
Print these out, using Scotch tape or sticker paper from Office Depot
Get the word out for Buck, take a photo,
(Best photo wins 2 tickets to Buck's inaguration on January 20, 2021),
and send your photo to

December, 2019
Kicking off the
Buck Meadows for President 20/20 Vision for America campaign,
is there any better endorsement than Santa?
Next year he'll have backstage inauguration tickets for your stocking! 
Go Buck!!

All the Democratic candidates know who the finalist will be.
Reminder: Buck doesn't just have to beat Donald Trump.
He has to beat everybody!

Here's a second endorsement, from the Father of our country,
and a great horseman himself. 

Below: Word of Buck's campaign for President has spread across the country like wildfire, reaching the shores of Florida, where county workers with 20/20 vision for America are organizing to help throw votes into Buck's electoral column in the all important Sunshine State.
(Now can anyone slap a sticker and a victory on Mar a Lago?)
We're now posting photos of vehicles with Buck stickers on them from different states.
Send one from your state and win a chance for inauguration tickets.
Thanks to Laurie from you know where
Below, Here's Buck's favorite mural
created by Joe Pegac
on a 3 story building in Tucson.
Thanks, Joe, for your public display of art and for supporting Buck

Check out old stuff below on Buck Meadows,
including previous campaign letters and concession statements.

Old Buck correspondence
January 20, 2017
Buck Meadows finally concedes the
2016 Presidential Election

My Fellow Americans:

Because of concerns from my many supporters about my physical and mental well being, I would like to bring you up to date on this important day. Following the 2016 Presidential race and subsequent November Election Day, I spent the first 30 days unwinding in Las Vegas, followed by 30 days in Washington D.C., standing in lines looking for work with the new administration. After going through 22 ball point pens, filling out applications and security questionnaires, I landed on the short list to sing at the inauguration, but I had left my guitar in Vegas...long story, so you won't see me on TV today, unless it's a wide shot of Pennsylvania Avenue, where I'll be picking up trash. Community service.

Anyway, I want you,my supporters,to know that I have finally come to grips with my latest crushing defeat. You would think that after losing six Presidential Elections that I would have thick enough skin to get used to losing, (It's even worse than the feeling of losing all season betting on football games). But this loss still stings, enough to alert my donors, especially the ones with automatic monthly withdrawal, that I still have a few outstanding tabs in Las Vegas and D.C.

I have personally extended my congratulations and concession to the next President, Donald Trump. At a reception on election night, I reached out to him to tell him how great he looked and how miserable I was for losing again. Then his bodyguard reached out to me and wrestled me to the floor, President-Elect Trump leaned over and said to me, sotto voce, "Call me Don. But after January 20th, don't ever call me again." I bit my tongue, or maybe it was the head wound I suffered, but later, while under the sedative at the police hospital ward, I dreamed that I had responded, "Perhaps, Don, we'll meet again, on January 20, 2020, when you hand the presidency off to Buck Meadows."

I must admit, I really thought I had the magnetism and experience to handle the two major candidates to get it done in 2016. Unfortunately, I lacked a couple of key ingredients: money and votes. Yikes, what happened to my campaign? We had great buttons! We had the Caribou Club supporting us. Or could it have been the choice of my running mate, Coastal Eddy? Maybe I should have chosen a real person over a weather condition/advice columnist. Or that Buck Meadows is actually a town instead of a country music legend.

Sorry for rambling, but I only get to do this every four years. And now I must close so I can get to my trash pick up job at the inauguration while they're still awaiting my security clearance for a position in the new administration. Anyway, I'd like to thank the 12 people who voted for me, most ever, double digits. Whether you're riding the range, singing a tune, fishing, or completing your community service, think of me in 2020. This could possibly be my best chance, seriously. People ask me if I'll try again. I can only say,
"The Future Lies Ahead."
Gotta get to work.


Yes, friends, after numerous requests, Buck Meadows, in 2016, has decided, against all advice, to throw his “hats” into the ring and again run for President of the United States!!! This will be Buck’s fifth try for the Presidency. “I’m trying to catch up to Harold Stassen,” says Mr. Meadows.

Buck’s slogan this year?

“The Future Lies Ahead!!!” …….. (Thank you Mort Sahl)


Here is some early reaction and some endorsements on Buck’s decision:

Vladamir Putin: “I feel more like I do now than I did when I first met him.”

Angela Merkel of Germany: “Buck es mutter tragt  ampfaufladungen.”

Pope Francis: “Hoc ei propinabo!”

Kim Jong Un of of North Korea: “No question about it, and I should know, worst possible choice to lead the US Imperialist Aggressors.

Shinzo Abe, President of Japan: “O bin’jo iki tai, Buck San.”

Kinky Freidman: “How hard can it be?”

Rafaela Batista of Brazil, “Vai Tudo Bem, Buck!”

Chilean Coal Miners: “Bravo Maestro Buck!”

Sergio Mattarella, President of Italy: “Dove’ luficcio postal, Senor Meadows.”

Kcub Swodaem, Kazikstan:  Узнайте, кто этот Buck Meadows и взломать его компьютер и отправить Трампа. У него есть решение выигрывать выборы.

Fidel Castro: “Buck is the only guy who can lead us into the 21st century, and I’ll be happy to provide him with the 20th centuray car.”

Nicolas Sarkozy, former President of France: “C’est moi qui va faire le gateau!!!”

Carly Fiorina: “Does he have a running mate yet?”

Barak Obama: “I can’t believe I’m alive to witness this election.”

Mr. Meadows’ campaign manager, (and possible running mate), will be Hall of Fame fisherman and advice columnist, Coastal Eddy, (www.askcoastaleddy.com.).

So hoist your glass, kiss your Mother, and tell her to get ready for an exciting 2016 race for President.  Happy Mothers’ Day!

“The Future Lies Ahead!”

In previous Buck News:

mber 7, 2012, the day after the last Presidential Election

It is with a numbing sense of regret that I write you this morning with pen in one hand (figuratively) and bloody Mary in the other. Across the table from me sits a defeated but pleasantly inebriated Buck Meadows. Once again, the
"Buck Meadows for President"
campaign ran a gallant effort but came up short. Of the 400 people on this email list, on behalf of the staff, we'd like to personally thank the three of you who voted for Buck, but we don't know who you are.

Anyway, fear not. Our day will come, (Caribou Club Rule 1).
We'd also like you to be the first to know that Buck is throwing his three gallon hat in the ring and announcing his candidacy for
President in 2016!  
In fact, as I write this email, Buck has his feet on the table and is throwing playing cards into his hat. (He's actually pretty good at that!).
Go Buck in '16!
To make suggestions about what Buck should do to further his chances in 2016, click above in blue menu bar or here on
Let's Talk Caribou
to follow all the action in the next four years.

Below: Buck Meadows attends Royal Wedding

Photo Above, Left to Right:

Eliza Lopes

Charles, (Prince of Wales, who kept asking Buck, “And you are?)

Camilla Parker Bowles, (Duchess of Cornwall, and third cousin of Caribou Club Member Bill Bowles).

Louise Windsor

Buckingham Meadows, (Royal Envoy to Libya)

Grace van Cutsem

The Bride

The Groom

Margarita Armstrong Jones

Tom Pettifer

William Lowther-Pinkerton

Missing: The Queen


March 10, 2011

Below is a photo of the Space Shuttle Discovery shortly after touch down on its final voyage last Wednesday. After a 12 day, 202 orbit, 5 million mile journey, the crew poses below for this historic photo:

L to R: Nicole Stott, Michael Barratt, Charles "Buck" Meadows,

Mission Commander Steven Lindsey, Al Drew, and Eric Boe.

When begged for a comment, Meadows, sponsored by the Caribou Club, said, "This is not about self promotion. I'm here as part of a great team to do a job and make ridiculous amounts of money."

Asked where his next mission would be, he was heard to comment, "Probably Japan or Libya. I just go where my sponsors send me."

About the photo below:

Update: Last summer, the Caribou Club, in its effort to be give back to the world community, sponsored and funded, (at substantial expense),  Buck "Wildcat" Meadows, to help plug the oil spill in the Gulf, which he successfully did. (See the Gulf Oil Spill story and photo further below in this section). We were hoping that Meadows would soon find his way back to California after his victorious journey, but we didn't hear from him for months, not even after we sent him bus fare. Just when we thought Wildcat was lost somewhere in the Gulf Oil Spill, or in a parking lot in a Ramada Inn in Mobile, he turned up in South America, where he landed work in a mine and helped rescue the trapped Chilean miners.

The photo below, (notice the Caribou logos), includes the President of Chile and the rescue tube, originally designed by Meadows and fellow daredevil, Evel Knievel.

The Caribou Club is proud to have sponsored this international rescue. We will be attempting to bring Buck, and possibly some of his Chilean mineworker amigos, back to Southern California in time for the Caribou Campout in November.



Here's a shot of the Caribou Club's contribution to the stopping of the Gulf Oil spill. Charles "Wildcat" Meadows was funded by the Caribou Club, he hopped a plane to New Orleans, blew all his money on Bourbon Street, and then got hired by BP. "It was a tough job stopping that leak," says Meadows, a veteran of oil rig disasters. "It was colder and more desolate than my third wife Helen's heart." A party is planned for Meadows as soon as we can get the bus fare to get him home. Check this website for further developments.

 Below you see the 1949 movie poster of Buck Meadows, starring in “The Cariboo Trail”, co-starring M. Cash Brewski, and featuring D.W. Grande and Spud Atkins in supporting roles.  This long lost poster was recently found in a storage locker at old 20th Century Fox Studios in Hollywood. Originally cast as co-stars in the movie, Buck and M. Cash were bounced off the set for stealing Elia Kazan’s Cadillac and driving it off the pier at Ocean Park in Santa Monica. They were replaced in the movie by Randolph Scott and Gabby Hayes. Anyone with other information about Buck or the original cast, please contact this website.